Pienkos, Donald E. - S 321
Pierce, Diana Lee - S 730
Pierringer, Bradley Scott - S 783
Pietruszynski, Brandon - S 60
Pink, Shirley - S 730
Pipes, Jennifer - S 145
Pipefitter - S 481
Pius XI High School girls basketball team - S 188, 582
Pleuss, Elizabeth - S 672
Pleva, Bob - S 60
Pokrandt, Steven R. - S 146
Polak, Joe and Barb - S 13
Poler, Michael - S 730
Pondell, Angela - S 748
Poole, Steven J. - S 783, 802
Porta Bella - S 481
Potos, Andrew P. - S 98
Pouillie, Clinton - S 236
Powell, Curtis - S 768
Preisler, Stephen - S 481
Prey, Cory - S 60
Pride, Tom - S 321
Priebe, Robert and Mercedes - S 748
Prochnow, Lawrence A. - S 146
Procter, Philip - S 321
Prost, Richard - S 236
Prusse, Chad - S 796
Puccinelli, John Paul - S 783
Pugh, Brian - S 145
Puhl, Matthew - S 802
Purcell, Donna Getschman - S 146
Quade, Sharon - S 672
Quad/Graphics - S 146
QualiTemps - S 481
Quadracci, Betty Ewens - S 321
Quint, Tim - S 236
Raab, Justin James - S 796
Racine, City of, ``Make a difference day" - S 289, 795
Raddatz, Paul - S 384
Radish, James A. - S 146
Ragatz, Nathaniel - S 60
Rajani, Karl - S 748
Ramczyk, Richard A., Jr. - S 236
Rapp, Matthew S. - S 98
Rauch, Pat - S 60
Ray O-Vac - S 481
Raymond, Larry - S 582
Raynor, Rev. John P. - S 368
Redman, Charles - S 431
Reedsville Cooperative Association - S 672
Rees, Lindsay - S 256
Refsguard, Amy - S 289
Reichard, Donald - S 126
Reiff, John - S 126
Reinke, Derek - S 60
Remane, Beatrice Ruth - S 237
Reuter, Adam - S 98
Reynolds Transfer and Storage - S 481
Rice, Dana - S 146
Richland Center Foundry Company - S 796
Richmond, Michael - S 730
Riewestahl, David - S 481
Riggs, Mary - S 188
Riley, Joseph D. - S 368
Riley, Patrick M. - S 368
Riley, Sean T.H. - S 13
Risser, Fred - S 188
River Alliance of Wisconsin - S 145
Rizzo, Emanuel - S 583
Roach, Ken and Mary - S 220
Robbins, David - S 98
Robert J. Nickles, Inc. - S 582
Roberts, Jennifer - S 220
Roberts, Joshua S. - S 146
Rodes, Ted - S 583
Rodgers, Dick - S 321
Rodriguez, Bette Jane - S 60
Roensch, Christopher - S 188
Roffers, Vincent P. - S 796
Roller, John, Jr. - S 146
Romagna, Greg - S 256
Romans, Eugene Joseph and Inez Dora (Treggiari) - S 783
Rommelfaenger, Mark - S 783
Roos, David Robert - S 431
Rosenzweig, Dr. David Y. - S 748
Rotman, Samuel and Frances - S 730, 748
Rotter, Dr. Rudy - S 672
Roundy's, Incorporated - S 256
Rowell, Joyce - S 431